Psychology Services and Rates

I provide psychotherapy to adults, adolescents, couples and families. I provide short term and long term therapy to people with various concerns ranging from feelings of emptiness or discontent in daily life, to those individuals requiring assistance in dealing with changing circumstances, as well as clients dealing with illnesses that cause intense and persistent distress. Read more about me or Contact me for more information

Adult Therapy

Therapy provides a thoughtful space between the busy pace of life to pause and reflect on yourself to encourage self awareness and growth. There is a misconception that therapy is only necessary if you have symptoms of severe psychological distress. Humans are complex and we are required to negotiate an increasingly complex world. Many individuals grapple with difficulties that would not be considered severe, but that hinder their ability to reach their full potential and enjoyment of life such as; grief, anger, difficulties in communication that stifle love, friendships and career growth; doubts about self-worth; lacking motivation; and difficult life decisions or crisis. Therapy provides the opportunity to identify the underlying causes of unhelpful thoughts and emotions, and improve your well-being.

Couples Therapy

It is profoundly painful to experience turmoil in our intimate relationships. Couples often come to therapy with questions such as: how do we make this work? why are we stuck as a couple? are we supposed to be together? why do we fight so much? why has she / he changed so much? why is there no intimacy? Issues such as jealously, unmet expectations, lack of time, and infidelity are also frequently addressed in couples therapy.

Each person brings their unique personality and expectations to the relationship. Couples therapy provides a safe and contained space to explore the patterns of communication between the partners, perceptions that the partners have of each other, and the expectations that are held of the relationship. The couple can develop more satisfying and fulfilling ways of negotiating conflict and being together. However, sometimes couples therapy is sought to adjust to the changing circumstances of the end of a relationship.

Adolescent Therapy

Adolescence is frequently a turbulent developmental period as the teenager negotiates conflicts about their identity, social acceptance, coping with academic pressure, and managing the need need for both independence and support from family. Social media and cyberbullying also present unique challenges for adolescents who are grappling with a sense of who they are and who they think they should be in order to feel accepted. Adolescents do not always have the words to express their struggles, and may prefer not to discuss certain topics with family members. This makes changes in their mood and behaviour, and harmful acting out, difficult to understand and manage.

Therapy with adolescents aims to help the individual develop confidence, self-awareness and skills to ease their transition into the adult world. Therapy provides a space for the adolescent to explore the various aspects of their identity. Working with teenagers focuses on finding the words to express the intense emotional experiences they may be experiencing which, without words may be expressed in in destructive mood swings or acting out that have a negative impact on relationships and school performance.

Clinical Psychology Areas

Stopping active addiction is a brave step. It is difficult to understand addiction and relapse without asking what relief the person found in the drug or addictive behaviour. My approach is to identify what the person is seeking to avoid or manage through the addiction so that triggers or distress can be relieved in a different, more constructive, way.

Anger is an inevitable part of life. However, when anger makes your feel out of control and it is being expressed in a way that is damaging to others, or leaves you feeling ashamed, it is problematic. Therapy provides the opportunity to understand why particular people or situations provoke you in the way that they do and develop more constructive ways of expressing yourself.

When anxiety reaches the level that it feels overwhelming, out of control, or persistent it can have a severe impact on relationships, occupational functioning and physical health. I see individuals who struggle with a variety of anxiety disorders such as; social anxiety, separation anxiety, phobias, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and generalised anxiety disorder. The symptoms can manifest as psychological and / or physical complaints. Some individuals are aware of the cause of the anxiety, however, for many people their anxiety appear to be excessive for the situation and the reason for such heightened anxiety is not immediately apparent. Therapy will assist you in increasing awareness of your unhelpful thoughts and habits, gaining insight into the root cause of the anxiety, and developing more effective coping skills.

Mourning the loss of a loved one, or a life change such as divorce or loss of a job, is a profoundly painful process that is likely to involve many difficult and complicated emotions ranging from a profound sadness to anger, guilt and regret. The process of mourning is unique to each individual and will be influenced by the nature of the relationship to the lost person or life change. When the grief is unrelenting and interferes with your ability to engage in daily life, it may be helpful to seek therapy. I will adapt the therapy to meet your specific needs in grieving your loss and re-establishing a different life that keeps a connection with the deceased person.

Assertiveness is required when we need to get our needs or ideas heard, particularly when the other person does want to listen or does not agree. Many people, particularly those who doubt themselves or worry being wrong or disliked, prefer to avoid situations that require assertiveness or could create conflict. While this limits discomfort in the immediate situation, you are likely to experience a pattern of feeling unseen, that your needs or goals are not being achieved, and you are not living your own life. Therapy will be aimed at assisting you in understanding your aversion to conflict and help you develop a more assertive voice.

Depression is a common, but serious condition, that can have debilitating effects on all aspects of your psychological life, physical health and relationships. Depressed people often describe themselves as sad, numb, hopeless, or disconnected. Life ceases to contain enjoyment and even getting out bed requires and extraordinary amount of energy. Severe depression may lead to thoughts of suicide. The reason for the onset of depression is not always obvious. However, depression is treatable. During therapy I will assist you with gaining insight into why you are experiencing depression and developing coping skills to manage and alleviate the depression.

Bipolar disorder is a serious and chronic condition characterised by volatile changes in mood and energy. The person may feel elevated, expansive and irritable during a specific period, and feel sad and hopeless at other times. The mood episodes can be extremely disruptive. However, bipolar can be managed and does not need to control your life. My approach in therapy will be to assist you in managing the bipolar by understanding what the diagnosis of bipolar means for you, identifying triggers and symptoms that can be managed to avoid a relapse, and improving social and occupational relationships that may have been impacted by the bipolar.

People commonly complain of life feeling like a monotonous series of chores and responsibilities. The enthusiasm and meaning that were previously attached to career goals, hobbies or relationships seems to have waned. There may be an overwhelming feeling of being stuck. Therapy provides a space to reconnect what is meaningful to you and what may create purpose and pleasure in your life.

Prolonged periods of stress, whether the stressor was desired (e.g. a promotion) or unwanted (e.g. financial distress), are likely to have overwhelming physical, mental and emotional consequences. Often we do not have control over our environment and feel stuck in an intolerable cycle of stress which can lead to dysfunctional coping methods, such as, comfort eating or substance abuse. Therapy will help you process your emotions and identify unhelpful thought patterns in order to establish more effective ways of managing your response to stress.

Living with excessive self-doubt, questioning your worth or whether you are loveable, limits opportunities in all areas of life. It is very difficult to engage authentically or productively in your environment if you perceive others as judging you negatively. My approach to working with individuals who struggle with low self-esteem includes identifying the underlying causes of the low self-esteem, developing kindness towards oneself self, and thinking about a different approach to engaging with the world.

Sexual abuse is a life-changing event that is likely to have severe psychological, emotional and physical effects. Individuals who have been sexually abused frequently feel a confusing array of emotions including anxiety, anger, guilt and shame. Sexual abuse typically complicates the individual’s perception of sex and sexuality, and may manifest is relationship difficulties and self-destructive behaviours. Sexual abuse impacts individuals in different ways and I will adapt the therapy to address your specific needs and symptoms.

Trauma changes the way in which we see the world. Our sense of personal safety is diminished and people or places that were felt to be safe are now experienced as threatening. Experiencing trauma can leave you struggling with distressing emotions and memories, or may leave you feeling numb and disconnected from others. My approach is to assist you in processing the trauma your quality of life and well-being.

My Fees

My fees are within the medical aid rates. I am contracted to most medical aids. Sessions will typically occur at the same time each week.The number of sessions required depends on the nature and severity of the difficulties that you are seeking to address.